Thursday, January 16, 2014

1920s Slang Expressions

1920s Slang Expressions

All wet—wrong, mistaken
Applesauce—an expletive, same as horsefeathers
Banana oil—nonsense, insincere flattery
Bank’s closed—no kissing or making out
Bee’s knees—an excellent person or thing
Belly laugh—a loud, deep laugh
Blind date—a date between two people who do not know each other, usually arranged by a mutual friend.
Big Cheese—an important person
Bull session—an informal group discussion
Bump off—murder
Cake-eater—a ladies’ man
Carry a Torch—to have a crush on someone
Cash- a kiss
Cash or check?—do you kiss now or later?
Cat’s meow—something, admirable or wonderful
Check—kiss me later
Copacetic—first-rate, excellent
Darb—an excellent person or thing
Dogs—human feet
Drugstore cowboy—a fashionable man who spends his time in public places trying to pick up women
Ducky—very good
Dumb dora—an unintelligent female
Fall guy—someone who takes the blame for the crimes of others, a scapegoat
Flapper—a fashionable young woman of the 1920s, typically with short, bobbed hair, a short skirt, and stockings rolled to her knees.
Flat tire—boring person
Frame—to make someone appear guilty of a crime by giving false evidence or testimony
Gam—a woman’s leg
Gatecrasher—an uninvited guest, a person who attends an event without paying admission
Giggle water—an alcoholic drink
Gold digger—a woman who seduces a man for money of gifts
Hair of the dog—a shot of alcohol
Hard-boiled—tough, unfeeling
Heebie-jeebies—nervous jitters
High-hat—to coldly ignore, to snub
Hooch—illegal, usually low-quality liquor
Hoofer—chorus girl, professional dancer
Jake—okay, as in “everything’s jake”
Jalopy—old, run-down car
Keen—appealing, attractive
Kiddo—familiar form of address, meaning “pal”
Kisser—the mouth
Line—insincere talk or flattery
Lounge lizard—a pleasure-seeking man who hangs out in nightclubs where rich people gather
Main drag—a city or town’s main street
Neck—to kiss and touch intimately
Nobody’s home—describes someone who is dumb
Pet—to kiss and touch intimately
Pinch—to arrest
Pushover—someone easy to overcome or take advantage of, something easily done
Raspberry—a loud noise to indicate contempt
Scram—to leave in a hurry
Sex appeal—physical attractiveness
Sheba—a young woman with sex appeal
Sheik—a man with sex appeal
Speak-easy—a bar or club that sells illegal liquor
Spiffy—elegant, fashionable
Struggle-buggy—a car, a place in which boys try to seduce girls
Stuck on—infatuated with, have a crush on
Swell—excellent, great
Torpedo—a hired gunman
Wet blanket—a solemn person, killjoy
Whoopee—noisy, unrestrained fun

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